TABLE IV. Ripple voltage conditions.
Condition (rpm)
Load (A)
Regulated volts
28 0.5
a. 3000
28 0.5
b. 3000
28 0.5
c. 8000
28 0.5
d. 8000
650 Ripple voltage acceptance test. Connect the alternator to a test circuit as
specified in figure 11. With the alternator operating as specified in table IV, condition (d), the
ripple voltage shall be not more than 4 V (+peak -peak and peak-to-peak). Overload output current test. Connect the alternator to a test circuit as specified
in figure 10. Operate the alternator at 5000 rpm with an output power of 800 25 A (IA) at not
less than 23 Vdc (EA) for 30 seconds. The field current (IF) shall be not less than 4 A. AC signal test. Connect the alternator to a test circuit as specified in figure 10.
Apply 20 2 Vdc to the alternator field at pin C to pin A at the J2 connector. At alternator
speeds of 900 rpm and 1100 rpm, the AC signal voltage (EAC) at pin A to pin C at the J1
connector shall be 7.1 0.5 V rms and 8.9 0.5 V rms, respectively. CT signal test. Connect the alternator to a test circuit as specified in figure 10.
Operate the alternator at 8000 rpm with a power output of 650 A (IA) and 28 Vdc (EA). The CT
signal (ECT) at the J1 connector from pin B to pin C shall be 2.8 +0.2, -0.3 V rms. CT signal acceptance test. Operate the alternator as in The CT signal
(ECT) at the J2 connector from pin B to pin C shall be 2.8 +0.2, -0.3 V rms. Alternator oil system test. Connect the alternator to a test circuit as specified in
figure 10. With no electrical load, and with alternator speed, alternator outlet pressure (P2), and
oil inlet pressure as specified in table V, the oil flow (F1) shall be not less than 2.35 gal/min
(0.15 L/s), nor greater than 6.0 gal/min (0.38 L/s). The oil pump outlet pressure (P1) shall be not
greater than the proof pressure.
TABLE V. Oil system test conditions.
Alternator speed
Alternator outlet pressure
Alternator oil inlet pressure
-0.385 0.03 psi (-2.7 0.2 kPa)
2000 and 8000
5 psi (34.5 kPa) maximum
45 2 psi (310 13.8 kPa)
2000 and 8000
5 psi (34.5 kPa) maximum
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