h. The sets are now in parallel and should be dividing the load equally. i. At the "B" unit, open the AC circuit interrupter.
j. The "A" unit is now carrying the total load.
k. Adjust the "A" unit frequency and voltage to rated values.
l. At the "B" unit, slowly increase the frequency until the synchronizing lights are going off and on at a rate of at least once a second.
m. Set the oscilloscope to automatically capture the transient voltage during the load transfer.
n. Slowly decrease the frequency of the "B" unit until the synchronizing lights are going off and on at a rate of about once each three or four seconds (not critical). When the lights are at their darkest close the "B" unit set AC circuit interrupter.
o. The sets are now in parallel and should be dividing the load equally. p. At the "A" unit, open the set contactor and then stop the set.
q. Set "B" is now carrying the load.
r. Adjust the "B" unit frequency and voltage to rated values.
17. At the switchbox, open the contactor switch for the "B" unit and then stop the set.
Inability of the switchbox assembly to maintain or transfer a rated load shall constitute failure of this test. Failure of the generators to operate in accordance with the operator's manual shall not constitute failure of the test. The contracting officer shall be notified immediately of any such failure.
4.6.2 Audio noise test. Noise levels shall be measured in accordance with MIL-STD-1474 requirements and reported in the format indicated by MIL-STD-1474, figure 11. As a minimum, noise levels shall be measured when equipment is operating at no-load and rated no-load. MIL-STD-1474, contours shall be taken at not fewer than 12 equal (horizontal) arc increments; one increment shall include data from the noisiest position. Additionally, the noise level at the typical operating position shall be provided as dB(A) level. Failure to comply with MIL-STD-1474 or nonconformance to 3.6 shall constitute failure of this test.
4.7 Transportability tests.
4.7.1 Tiedown provisions. The tiedown provisions shall be tested in accordance with MIL-STD-209 to prove conformance to 3.9.1. Inability to meet the
requirements of 3.9.1 shall constitute failure of this demonstration.
4.7.2 Slinging provisions. The slinging provisions shall be tested in accordance with MIL-STD-209 to prove conformance to 3.9.2. Inability to meet the requirements of 3.9.2 shall constitute failure of this demonstration.
4.7.3 Rail impact test. The first article power plant/power unit shall be tested in accordance with MIL-STD-810 to prove conformance to 3.9.4. Inability to meet the requirements of 3.9.4 shall constitute failure of this test.
4.7.4 Air transport test. The power plant/power unit shall be tested in accordance with MIL-STD-1791 to prove conformance to 3.9.3. Inability to meet the requirements of 3.9.3 shall constitute failure of this test.
4.7.5 Highway transport test. The power plant/power unit shall be tested to
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